The Delta Chamber of Commerce is encouraged by the decision of Delta Council to approve the Ladner Village Revitalization and Ladner Area Plan bylaws (Bylaw No. 8076 and 8077) which were adopted at the December 14th, 2021 meeting of Council after the Public Hearing on these topics.
With these approved changes, the work to ensure that a revitalized Ladner Village is realized has just begun. The critical needs for attainable housing and public transit resources, to attract and retain workers for the businesses of Delta, cannot be addressed overnight and they will require the active participation of business owners, community leaders and community members, in the discussion to ensure that investment in Ladner Village is progressive and acknowledges the area’s historic significance and existing appeal.
We often hear discussion about the “form and character” of buildings, but there is also the opportunity for the community building by businesses, government, non-profits, and residents alike, as they come together to help define and develop the “form and character” of the community itself.
The Delta Chamber of Commerce would like to acknowledge each and every individual and business owner who participated in the volunteer committees, engaged in the public consultation process, took time to write messages to Mayor and Council, speak at the Public Hearing, and those who participated as knowledge experts or consultants. As was mentioned at the public hearing and in some of the letters, now is when the next level of work begins as residents, community groups, and business organizations come together with the City of Delta to provide feedback on how future, individual projects will shape Ladner Village. We look forward to engaging in this process along with our partners at the Ladner Business Association.
Delta Chamber of Commerce knows from repeated feedback and surveying that recruitment and retention is a top concern for employers across Delta: businesses need workers. Additionally, the feedback says that employees would rather work closer to home to reduce their commutes. To address these concerns, Delta needs more quantity and variety of housing opportunities in Delta, combined with more public transit and active transportation options throughout and to all areas of the community. The Delta Chamber of Commerce will continue its advocacy on these matters in every commercial district of Delta as the Voice of Business, because business matters.